AutoCad LT crashes with error 0xbd5a4640 when printing to OCE TDS 450
Simply select the regular print driver and say save as to create a PC3 printer driver for Autocad. You can modify this as you wish and use it for printing succesfully.
Simply select the regular print driver and say save as to create a PC3 printer driver for Autocad. You can modify this as you wish and use it for printing succesfully.
After running the installer for AutoCAD LT 2017 you may get a host of error messages warning about missing DLL’s. To fix this you can either download the full installation from Autodesk, go to the extracted folder and run the Visual Studio installer, normally something like C:\Autodesk\AutoCAD_LT_2017_NWL_English_Win_64bit_dlm\3rdParty\x64\VCRedist\2015\vcredist_x64.exe You can also find it here –… Read More »
So you have upgraded your PC to windows 8 with AutoCAD 2015 and discovered a nasty error in AutoCAD – This plotter configuration cannot be used for one of these reasons: the driver cannot be found, the device cannot be found, or the driver has a problem. the None plot device has been substituted. Solution… Read More »